– Be aware of restrictions on the size and number of bags you may bring onto your flight. Many airlines now charge a fee for every checked bag or have lowered the maximum permitted weight limits for checked luggage. Some budget airlines even charge a fees for carry-on bags. Be sure to check the airline website before you fly.

– Airplanes can be very “germy” so pack a few antiseptic wipes in your carry-on bag and use them to sanitize the surfaces that you’ll be most likely to touch, i.e., seatbelt buckles, tray tables, touch screens, and remotes.

– Always attach a luggage tag to the outside of your luggage that has your contact information. Also put your contact information on the inside of the luggage. That way if the outer tag gets lost or damaged, the suitcase can be opened and you can still be contacted.

– Wear comfortable clothing and shoes whenever you fly. Tight clothing can restrict blood flow in an already confining space of an airplane seat. Cabin pressure and inactivity can cause feet to swell, so having a little extra room in your shoes can make you more comfortable.

– Avoid greasy foods, salty foods or any foods that cause bloating. The nature of the pressurized cabins promotes further bloating and can lead to serious intestinal discomfort.

– Stay hydrated. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Since there’s less water in your blood when you’re dehydrated, the concentration of the alcohol will be slightly higher, leading to quicker intoxication and increased potential for a hangover. Even carbonated beverages can lead to bloating.


Acquire or make a copy of the fire escape plan on the back of your door. Most of these just slide out.

 – Do not stay on the ground or the top floor. The ground floor is readily accessible to intruders and the top floor does not allow any room to maneuver.

 –  Keep the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door, even when you are not there.

– Always assume the room is bugged. Keep the radio or TV turned on with the volume on low at all times—even when you are not in the room.

 – Keep the drapes/blinds pulled at all times, even when unoccupied.

 –  Keep a light on in the room when unoccupied.

 – Keep a small “bug-out bag” packed with must-have items (money, ID, passport, etc.) in the event of an emergency departure.

 – Carry a motion alarm that can be placed over the doorknob. They are about $20 and can be found in most electronics stores.

 –  Keep a flashlight next to the bed and within arm’s reach.